Some of you may have noticed that this is a new blog for me, and that I've changed blog title more than just a few times. Some of you might have noticed that my URL does not have the word orange in it, which is a miracle. Some of you might also have noticed that I seem to have disappeared from my old blog. Well, here's the announcement. My old blog is dead. Along with all the emo-ness that was inside it. Yay!
... Yes those are crickets chirping. Where's my applause?
But anyway, this is a new blog for me? In a way it also symbolizes a new start- I'm eighteen, I'm epic, it's time for me to kick off my shoes and enjoy life before I jump into the real world. I'm not the best of writers or the best of bloggers, but I'm going to set some resolutions:
1) I will whine less. Because other people have better things to do than listen to about how I'm depressed because the sky wasn't orange enough when I woke up in the morning.
2) I will post more about things that my friends would find interesting instead of using my blog as a rant-space.
3) This blog will be reader-friendly! Which means that I will be able to give this URL to my random acquaintances and not feel embarrassed about it. If I post writing or whatever, I shall be proud.
4) jshakdfdas[fds;;;;;. See this line? Well I resolve to use it less because it is impossible to read.
That is about all for the moment. I shall add links and stuff later on when I feel like adding links and stuff. Also I shall leave comments open as well as a chatbox so that people can spam me, albeit nicely, a la Darren style. Oh I love stealing lines off my Goony friend :]
Crackhead Fairytales (Part 2)
9 years ago
*applause applause* I applaud your resolutions. And I am appalled, completely appalled at the lack of orangeness in the url. Appalled. Have I mentioned I'm appalled?
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