Which means that I could have drawn four pictures and written an Extended Essay.
But anyway! I don't really want to write too much. I shall just show you a big fat load of Wei Yun-crossplaying-pictures. And hope your eyes do not fall out from the randomness.
Photos courtesy of Rei Jun Langley (Leng Lui) a.k.a Tan Li Yun. Mostly, anyway.
I am just a bitchy girl.
Not easy.
Jianing was Allen Walker. MY Allen. So cute right?
And Li Yun went as a random Yukata girl since we couldn't get the Chomesuke yukata.
Though she seemed to serve as a maid since 1) Shin Dee wasn't around to be Maria and 2) she had to carry our bags because the two of us kept getting photo-bombed like so:
The Singaporean photo-bombing was intense, and so was their cosplaying. Look at this:
Though this was my favourite, and YES I loved the hair the most.
Ignore me in the picture, my Kanda seems to look more worried than pissed in it. Just look at that girl's top hat! And that outfit! And that hair! And that... EVERYTHING! I want that costume. I want it so bad even though I haven't even watched Kuroshitsuji.
I want to watch it now because of that costume okay. SO NICE.
Okay, to make up for my fail in that picture, I'll show you better pictures of my Kanda. Not as hot as the original but at least I tried.
Now, enough about me and Jianing and Li Yun, epic as we are. On to the other cosplayers!
Jasdebi. Good, but the Jasdebi from the D.Gray-Man cosplay group at CF 2008 will always have a special place in my heart.
Riku! Didn't want to ask how he/she (yes this was another crossplay) managed to see through the blindfold, but oh well.
Oh, the Kaoru was named Sheau Ying. When I found out I was like... LOL that's almost the same as my little sister's name! Heh and SY I also bought you an awesome hat. You'll see it when you get back but here it is:
... No actually I can't be bothered to post a picture. :]
More cosplays!
Hetalia! Didn't get any photos of the major characters though, which was depressing. I saw an American and an England and got all excited but I never got to actually ask them to pose for me. Pity. Though I got to pose with China, who is also on my "might-cosplay" list:
Back to the other cosplayers.
Jeanson is this Kamen Raida?
So basically Day 1 of Cosfest was us walking around getting photo-bombed and joining in the photo-bombing. Until this little boy asked me to pose for him. Next thing I knew, his friend was like...
Friend: Hey! You know, my friend couldn't tell you were really a girl?
Me: -secretly pleased as it meant that my cosplay was good but did the scary eyes anyway- I'm going to slay you.
And next thing I knew, the little boy put this on my sword:
Allen Walker approved, even if Kanda Yu did not:
We ran into Hikaru and Kaoru at Burger King later on! When Allen asked them why they were eating commoner food, they just replied that they had followed a friend here. And we took a photo next to this one sign:
And since it was hot, our hair tended to get messed up. And we had to drink a LOT. So here's MORE product placement time:
Pink Dolphin Calcium!
Coke Zero! (How else does Kanda manage to stay so slim in the entire series?)
GATSBY! Seriously that stuff is amazing okay.
So basically by about 6 o' clock we were pretty wiped out... Imagine having to wear a pleather outfit in the burning Singapore sun, and walking around for hours like that, and wearing an undershirt to boot. And poor Jianing had a wig but at least she didn't have to do several things I had to do, including getting extensions and other things I can't be bothered to mention here.
The observant might notice though. Especially my female friends- that means you, Jas, and Su the Convoluted.
And now I shall go to bed, and you will wait for tomorrow for Day 2. Or roll your eyes at my stupidity.
P.S: I'm sure all of you were wondering how I managed to stay stoic and Kanda-like throughout the whole day. The answer is, I didn't always. There are a few out-of-character photos of me, taken when other people were out of the way. However, I'm not going to post them in case people see them and are like LOL cosplay fail. If you want them, you've got to ask for them. Some are hilarious. None of them are anything Kanda would ever do.
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